On rules of residence in the University dormitories

On rules of residence in the University dormitories

Self-study rooms have been organized in the RTU MIREA dormitories
For the distance learning format period, the Administration has organized rooms in the RTU MIREA dormitories for individual study and self-training, which are equipped with up-to-date computers.
In dormitory No. 5 located at 11 Parkovaya Street, 36, room No. 910 is reserved for self-study.
In dormitory No. 1 located at 86 Vernadsky Avenue, Building 1, additional computers are placed in the lobby of the first floor.
The RTU MIREA dormitories are operating in the advanced readiness regime. Non-resident students have the right to use residential premises during the term of the contract with the University. Young people decide for themselves whether to return home for distance learning or stay in the dormitory.

In accordance with Order No. 453 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation On the activities of dormitories in conditions of preventing the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the Russian Federation, measures have been taken to maintain the premises of the dormitories in line with the instructions, prescriptions and recommendations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). Leisure and other public events in dormitories with the participation of the residents and other citizens not residing in the dormitories have been suspended. Access of persons not residing in the dormitory is not allowed.

Students residing in RTU MIREA dormitories are provided with free hot lunches.

 Following the Mayor of Moscow Decree No. 34-UM of March 29, 2020 On introduction of the universal isolation regime, starting with March 30 the home self-isolation regime is introduced for all residents of Moscow, regardless of their age.

Leaving the residence shall be permitted only in the following cases:
  • applying for emergency medical care, or if there is a direct threat to the life and health of a person;
  • travel to work if you are obligated to go to work;
  • shopping at the nearest operating store or pharmacy;
  • walking pets at a distance not exceeding 100 meters from the place of residence (stay);
  • the need to take out household waste.
Citizens must observe social distance of at least 1.5 meters from other people. The only exceptions are taxi rides.
In connection with the measures to counter the spread of the virus, the RTU MIREA management has made a decision to provide students who reside in University dormitories with free hot lunches, on a daily basis, between 1p.m. and 2p.m.
It is worth reminding that in accordance with the Mayor of Moscow Decree No. 34-UM, Muscovites with a mild course of COVID-19 shall be treated at home under doctor’s supervision. As prescribed by doctors, they shall receive free antiviral drugs. Free medicines will be delivered by an ambulance, the staff of outpatient clinics, or volunteers.

The Decree by Sergei Sobyanin does not provide for any restrictions of movement of any motor vehicles.
 Entry to and exit from the city are not limited

All questions related to prevention of the spread of the virus and the organization of hot meals in the University dormitories will be addressed at: +7 499 215-65-65, extension numbers 1038 and 1154.

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