Congratulatory address from Rector of RTU MIREA on the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation


Dear students, lecturers and trainers, employees of RTU MIREA!

Congratulations on the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation!

The Russian tricolor unites representatives of all nationalities in the territory of our homeland. It personifies the sovereignty of the country being a reflection of the glorious centuries-old history of Russia with its impressive pages of courage, heroism, and great achievements.

Our tricolor is a symbol that reflects the main qualities of the Russian people and determines the essence of the state system. Under the Russian flag, we live and work, get new knowledge, make scientific discoveries, develop our economy, and pass on cultural values from generation to generation. The teaching staff, employees, graduates, and students of RTU MIREA have always made a worthy contribution to strengthening the power of our state. With our conscientious work we multiply the glory and power of Russia. I congratulate you on this important holiday for all Russian people. I wish you success, peace, and prosperity!

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