Congratulatory address from RTU MIREA Rector on Economist Day


Dear students, lecturers and instructors, staff!

Congratulations on Economist Day!

This date is to remind us of the invaluable contribution of economists to the development of the country, because these specialists are an extremely important link in the chain that sets in motion the functioning mechanism of the entire state.

On this day, I congratulate young and experienced scholars from RTU MIREA who are engaged in economic issues. The efficiency of enterprises and the development of specific industries and regions depend on your research, accuracy of forecasts and planning skills. I wholeheartedly support and congratulate you, the RTU MIREA students of economics, and thank you for your readiness in future to resolve new economic problems, the complexity of which has increased significantly. I am confident that you will become true professionals, ready to see opportunities in any situation and cope with crises.

By joint efforts, we can contribute to strengthening the economic potential of Russia! I congratulate you on the holiday and wish you success, new achievements and satisfaction from studying and working in the economic sphere!

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