Congratulatory address from the RTU MIREA Rector on Programmer's Day


Dear students, lecturers and trainers, and staff!

Congratulations on Programmer's Day!

Digital technologies have become such an integral part of everyday life that it is impossible to imagine the modern world without them. Not only programmers, but also developers and IT engineers are becoming the most valuable personnel in the labor market, and digital specialties in Russian universities and, in particular, at RTU MIREA are consistently the most highly demanded professions by applicants.

I am proud to note that our University is flexibly adapting to the changing situation and employers' requirements and, taking the latter into account, is introducing the most fit for purpose programs into the educational process, including those implemented jointly with the largest companies in the IT sector: Samsung, VK, Astra Group, Yandex and many others. Education opens up the broadest opportunities for RTU MIREA students to acquire relevant competencies, and our graduates in the IT sector are invariably among the top money-earners and the most in-demand experts among employers.

On this day, I congratulate students studying programming and digital technologies in general, university professors who share their knowledge and experience with the students on every day basis, industrial partners with whom RTU MIREA is training young IT personnel! I wish you creative ideas, an unfailing desire for self-development and success in such an exciting field as programming!

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