CSSIEI students take part in the International Blockchain Forum and the largest European Blockchain Exhibition "Cryptoevent"


On March 27-28, the team of the student scientific society of the Institute of Complex Security and Special Instrument Engineering Institute, specializing in the field of Blockchain and headed by Dmitry A. Akimov Ph.D., was invited to the International Blockchain Forum and the largest-scale European Blockchain Exhibition "Cryptoevent". The forum was attended by more than 10,000 participants, 120 stands were presented.

The event was held at the Expocentre, where a large-scale festival for fans of the games Wargaming WG Fest, the Internet Week RIW-2017, IT-exhibition GITEX, etc. takes place.

The representatives of the SSS demonstrated their program developments in the part of KYC, which stands for "know your customer". Such developments are interesting for the protection of trading platforms. The team has its own unique approaches to identity verification.

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