Mikhail Mishustin congratulated the teaching staff, schoolchildren, students and their parents on Knowledge Day


"We are in for an interesting time ahead, full of study, new friends and acquaintances, promising discoveries. This is the most important stage in the life of everyone. Modern knowledge, necessary competencies and skills that you will receive at school, technical school, university, will open up opportunities to self-fulfillment in the future, achieve success in life, heights in business. Experienced teachers and mentors will help you with this.

Education sphere today is the state priority. It is one of the main conditions for the development of the economy, the achievement of the national goals set by the President, technological independence strengthening the country's intellectual potential, increasing the number of scientists, researchers, highly qualified specialists. To solve these important problems, active work is being carried out aimed at improving the quality of the education system, forming a network of world-class campuses, advanced engineering schools, and implementing the Professionalism project. The presidential program to build schools which have the latest devices and equipment is being successfully implemented in the regions; the Growth Point and IT-Cube centers, and the Kvantorium children's technology parks are operating. The necessary conditions for learning, creativity, and research are being developed throughout Russia.

Each of us keeps the years of study in our memories for the rest of our lives. And we very well know what great dedication is required of teachers in their daily work. After all, they are the ones who help children to realize their potential, show initiative, take lessons and assignments with full responsibility, and attain the best of results in their studies. By personal example, they strive to demonstrate the meaning of honesty, responsibility, respect, and love for their Motherland.

On this festive day, I would wish our teachers and mentors success, and schoolchildren and students – to persistently acquire knowledge, move onward, to achieve their dreams."

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