RTU MIREA and the University of Matanzas (Univesidad deMatanzas Camilo Cienfuegos) signed a cooperation agreement


Nikolay Prokopov, First Vice-Rector of the University, Grigory Petushkov, Vice-Rector, and Mikhail Romanov, Scientific Director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, visited the University of Matanzas "Camilo Cienfuegos" (Univesidad deMatanzas Camilo Cienfuegos) during the official visit of the RTU MIREA delegation to Cuba.

 First, the meeting demonstrated exhibitions of works completed by the University of Matanzas and RTU MIREA. Then, the presentation of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Research (CEFAS, UM) was discussed. The main areas of joint scientific research were also discussed. They are related to innovative technologies for measuring the content of impurities in water, the manufacture of microelectronic devices and additive technologies, which need to be developed in 2025.

The result of the meeting was the signing of a cooperation agreement.

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