RTU MIREA together with the 1C company opens the 1C Technology Center


Stanislav Kudzh, Rector of RTU MIREA, and Boris Nuraliev, Director of 1C company, signed a cooperation agreement. The main direction of joint work will be the creation of a 1C Technology Center at RTU MIREA. The main tasks of the Center are the implementation of educational programs for training the most sought-after specialists in the digital economy in automation and digitalization of business, career guidance work and project activities.

“For RTU MIREA, one of the most important areas of development within the framework of the Priority 2030 program is cooperation with industrial partners and the creation, together with them, of new educational and career opportunities for students. Many of our students are already studying 1C technologies and undergoing professional certification from the vendor. Now, with the opening of the 1C Technology Center, our cooperation with the company is reaching a qualitatively new level. I am convinced that through joint efforts we will ensure the training of a new generation of personnel capable of implementing and improving automation and digitalization processes in the largest domestic enterprises,” said Stanislav Kudzh, Rector of RTU MIREA.

The created 1C Technology Center will implement educational projects at two levels of training – “profile” and “basic”.

At the “profile level”, the Center will provide training for IT specialists in automation and digitalization of business (business developers). Students will study at a deep level development on the 1C:Enterprise platform, issues of modeling and approaches to automating business processes of various functional subsystems (production management, material flow management, finance, sales, digital personnel management, etc.), as well as fundamental mathematical and IT-disciplines. To implement the “profile level” of training, RTU MIREA and the 1C company will create joint bachelor’s and master’s programs. As soon as in September 2024, the first joint bachelor’s program “Applied IT Solutions for Business” will open in the direction of 38.03.05 “Business Informatics”. In future, it is planned to open one new joint bachelor’s and master’s program per year.

As part of the “basic level” of training, the Center will provide large-scale training in key digital competencies to students of various educational programs, including those that are not directly related to IT. These educational programs will integrate disciplines devoted to the basic level of programming on the 1C:Enterprise platform, as well as disciplines devoted to the study of ERP systems, architecture and the main functional modules of this class of solutions. Practical classes involve introducing students to the 1C:ERP product.

The “basic” level of training is no less valuable than the “profile” level, for it will allow to train specialists with good knowledge of a specific subject area (what students study as part of the main educational program), and at the same time get sufficient competencies to implement and competently use modern solutions for automation and digitalization of business.

The courses will be taught by certified university employees, specialists from 1C and partner companies. Students will work on real projects under the guidance of industry professionals, and will be able to do internships and find employment in an IT company while still studying. An important aspect of interaction also implies that about 10 large partner companies of the 1C company are ready to join the activities of the newly created Technology Center.

“Both the 1C company and RTU MIREA have successful experience in training professionals for the IT industry and business. By joining efforts and opening the 1C Technology Center at RTU MIREA, implementing joint educational projects, we teach students in various areas of business process automation, which will allow graduates to increase the efficiency of organizations in the industries in which they will work,” said Boris Nuraliev, Director of the 1C company.

The result of the joint activities of RTU MIREA and the 1C company will be the training of professionals who are ready to effectively use modern domestic means of automation and digitalization of business processes in their work. Such specialists are greatly in demand in various industries, and the need for them has only been growing in recent years.

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