Students of RTU MIREA and their RedHorn robot took part in the opening of the “Games of the Future”


On February 21, the “Games of the Future” tournament solemnly started in Kazan. This is a large-scale sporting event at the intersection of sports, science and technology, a synergy of spectacular classical and digital sports. The international multi-sport tournament in the phygital concept is being held in Russia for the first time.

In the first minutes of the competition opening ceremony on the stage appeared the RedHorn robot, created by engineers of “Istok” Research and Production Enterprise named after. Shokin, part of Ruselectronics, and students of the branch of RTU MIREA in Fryazino.

RedHorn is a powerful and durable mini tank with a fast and strong vertical spinner. Previously, representatives of RTU MIREA with their development took part in the large-scale Battle of Robots championship, where they reached the semi-finals and won in the Most Media Team category.

The bright beginning of the spectacular ceremony of the first Games of the Future is in the video.

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