Students of the Institute of Management Technologies visited the Heat & Power International Exhibition at the Crocus Expo IEC


On October 24, the 4th year students of the training direction 38.03.10 “Housing and Communal Infrastructure” of the Department of Innovation Management of the Institute of Management Technologies visited the international exhibition Heat & Power, which is held at the Crocus Expo IEC.

At the event, the leading domestic and foreign manufacturers and suppliers demonstrated a wide variety of industrial boiler, heat exchange, power generating and auxiliary engineering equipment.

At the exhibition, students received up-to-date industry information on the development and implementation of modern technical and technological solutions in small-scale energy and distributed generation, familiarized themselves with examples of successful implementation of projects for the creation and use of their own and local generation, increasing the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises and energy-generating facilities in the housing and communal services sector.

The event consisted of strategic sessions to discuss the prospects and vectors for the development of small-scale and distributed energy and practical sessions, including the exchange of experience in implementing modern technical and technological solutions, which aroused significant interest among students.

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