The II International Scientific and Practical Conference “BRICS Countries: Development Strategies and Cooperation Mechanisms in a Changing World” was held at the Institute of Management Technologies


On June 5-7, the Department of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Management of the Institute of Management Technologies of RTU MIREA together with the Institute of world civilizations, the Eurasian Information and Analytical Consortium, the International Union of Economists, the Russian Council on International Affairs, the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on complex problems of Eurasian economic integration, modernization, competitiveness and sustainable development and the National Committee for the Study of the BRICS Countries is holding the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “BRICS Countries: Development Strategies and Cooperation Mechanisms in a Changing World.”

During the event the participants discussed aspects of cooperation between the BRICS countries on economic, scientific and technological issues, as well as issues of developing interaction in education and health care.

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