The II Space Technologies International Conference was held at RTU MIREA


As part of the cooperation between MIREA — Russian Technological University, Roscosmos State Corporation and the 46th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the II Space Technologies International Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Conference was held.

The event was attended by more than 150 partners of RTU MIREA from Russia, Belarus, Brazil, and other countries. Despite the fact that the conference is fairly new and is being held only for the second year, for many participants it has already become traditional. The event brought together scientists, engineers and students from different countries to discuss the latest achievements and prospects for the development of the space industry.

O.E. Vinokurov, Vice-Rector of RTU MIREA, opened the conference. One of the main events at the conference was the presentation of the latest developments of RTU MIREA in space technology. At the plenary session, V.O. Skripachev, Associate Professor of the Department of radio-electronic systems, made a presentation on the preparation for the launch of the small spacecraft - RTU MIREA1. The CubeSat format small spacecraft is being developed within the framework of the Duty on the Planet project (agreement with FASIE - Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises - No. 94S2 / MOL / 73887 dated March 25, 2022).

"The conference became an excellent platform for the exchange of expertise and knowledge, for establishing new contacts and developing cooperation between scientists and engineers from different countries," said A.N. Dementyev, Director of the Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics of RTU MIREA.

The conference heard presentations from representatives of Russian universities, industrial partners and research institutes. The conference participants expressed hope for further development of cooperation in space, aviation science and technology, as well as for holding similar events in the future.

Based on the results of the conference, the best presentations will be published in the journal "Achievements of Modern Radio Electronics" of the Russian Higher Attestation Committee.

Details about the conference can be found on the website.

The conference was held within the framework of the Priority 2030 program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (Science and Universities national project).

The Priority 2030 program is being implemented within the framework of the federal Integration project ("Development of integration processes in the field of science, higher education and industry") of the Science and Universities national project, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

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