The results of the 2024 youth competitions within the framework of the Presidential Program of the Russian Science Foundation have been announced


The Russian Science Foundation (RSF) has summed up the results of competitions for grants within the framework of the Presidential Program of Research Projects in the areas of “Conducting proactive research by young scientists” and “Conducting research by scientific groups under the guidance of young scientists.”

Congratulations to the young science front runners and their research teams (listed below):

Project topic: “Nonlinear optical diagnostics and control of inhomogeneous states of magnetization in two-dimensional and volumetric magnetic structures”

Head: Nikolay Viktorovich Mitetelo, Ph.D., Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Physics for Neuromorphic Computing Systems, Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming RTU MIREA

Project topic: “Model of artificial polarization-sensitive optoelectronic synapse for electronics”

Head: Sergey Dmitrievich Lavrov, Ph.D., Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Femtosecond Optics for Nanoelectronics, Department of Nanoelectronics, Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming RTU MIREA

Project topic: “Ultrafast control of the parameters of spintronic THz emitters using laser-induced effects”

Head: Arseniy Mikhailovich Buryakov, Ph.D., Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Ultrafast Dynamics of Ferroics, Department of Nanoelectronics, of the Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming RTU MIREA

The Presidential Research Projects Program was initiated in 2017 on behalf of the President of Russia. The main objectives of the program are to support long-term projects of leading scientists and create career opportunities for promising young researchers.


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