The students and employees of RTU MIREA returned from the traditional motor rally along the Moscow-Minsk-Brest route

The traditional patriotic rally route passed through memorable places of the Great Patriotic War. Students and employees of RTU MIREA from Moscow, as well as branches in Fryazino and Stavropol took part in the trip.
The five cars convoy made its first stop at the memorial complex “In Memory of the Burned Villages of the Mogilev Region” in the village of Borki. The memorial was opened in 2020 at the site of the largest punitive operation against the victims of the civilian population of Belarus, when in a single day, June 15, 1942, the fascists, according to their own reports, shot down and burned 2,027 civilians.
From there the rally participants headed to the city of Minsk. Along the way, they visited the Khatyn memorial complex, which was opened on the site of a village destroyed by a Nazi punitive detachment. The participants in the rally paid tribute to the memory of 149 village residents, who were either burned alive or shot in the spring of 1943.
In Minsk, the participants of the RTU MIREA motor rally visited the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, the Stalin’s Line historical and cultural complex and explored the central part of the city. In the Krupsky district of the Minsk region, the young people visited the memorial complex to the Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Chebotarev, learned about his feat and worked on the restoration of dugouts.
From Minsk the convoy of the motor rally went to the city of Brest. On the way, the students visited the Khovanshchina memorial complex of partisan glory, where in 1943–1944 the Brest underground regional committees of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Leninist Young Communist League, the headquarters of the Brest partisan unit, the editorial office and printing house of the underground newspaper “Zarya” were based. The students will remember this site for the partisan songs and a real lunch common for the resistance fighters at the time of the war.
In Brest, the young people visited the museums of the Brest Fortress - Hero Memorial Complex and the Museum of Railway Equipment. On the territory of the Brest Fortress - Hero Memorial Complex, RTU MIREA volunteers worked to improve the territory and took part in patriotic events.
On the night of June 21 to 22, participants in the RTU MIREA motor rally took part in a requiem meeting dedicated to the Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War, which was held at the Brest Fortress - Hero Memorial Complex. Tens of thousands of Brest residents and city guests walked along the Road of Memory, which was illuminated by hundreds of red lamps. According to the tradition, the border guards lit a torch from the Eternal Flame and delivered it on an armored personnel carrier to the bank of the Western Bug. There, wreaths with burning candles were lowered onto the water as a symbol of the eternal memory of the heroic feat of the defenders of the citadel. The most important words were heard in the ceremonial square: “Remember, while you live, people, remember!”
After this, students and employees of RTU MIREA were able to see the traditional large-scale military and historical reconstruction of June 22, 1941. Brest Fortress, where the events of the first hours of the war were recreated almost minute by minute.

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