The Volunteer Center of RTU MIREA participated in the International Forum of Volunteers from the CIS countries

The International Forum of Volunteers from the CIS countries was held from July 31 to August 3.
Anna Seliverstova, Head of the Volunteer Department of RTU MIREA, arrived at the event in Kyrgyzstan as a representative of the Russian Federation.
The Forum's theme was "Opening New Horizons: Volunteer Connections and Partnership Opportunities." Over the course of several days, four panel sessions were held on such topical issues as
  • Volunteering and Sustainable Development Goals: Global Challenges and Local Solutions;
  • Volunteers without Borders: Successes and Challenges;
  • Volunteering Before, During, and After Emergencies;
  • Environmental Volunteering: Protecting the Planet for Future Generations.
Anna presented successful projects of the Volunteer Center of RTU MIREA to delegates from the CIS countries and established new partnerships. The established contacts and acquired knowledge will help the division to bring its activities to a qualitatively new level of cooperation and social interaction. We express our gratitude to Anna for her active participation in the event and contribution to the development of volunteering on a CIS scale, and we also wish her and the entire volunteer team more inspiration and new fruitful ideas.

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