The XII Golden Crane International Choral Assembly was held at RTU MIREA


From December 5 to 8, one of the most significant and prestigious creative events organized by RTU MIREA took place — the XII Golden Crane International Choral Assembly. It became an organic continuation of the previous 11 assemblies. Maintaining the main principle — festival participation of the best choral groups, this year the assembly was held with the information support of the Moscow Musical Society in the person of Professor Vladimir Leonidovich Zhivov, Chairman of the Commission of Academic Choirs of the Moscow Musical Society, Honored Artist of Russia, Honored Figure of the All-Russian and Moscow Musical Society,.

Over the years, the event has been attended by the best groups from Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow, from the Republic of Belarus, and other countries. According to the established tradition, the participants of the 12th Assembly were selected from choirs that have achieved significant success in the choral field, having received the title of laureates at both national and international choral competitions. In 2024, they were:

-  the Inspiration Academic Women's Choir of the Domodedovo Children's School of Arts (artistic director and conductor - Nadezhda Kopylova, accompanist and leader - Anzhelika Vatulina;

-  the Moscow Male Choir of Veterans People's group named after G. I. Novikov at the House and Committee of War Veterans (artistic director and conductor - Kirill Kadykov, accompanist - Alexander Ermachek);

- the Choir of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (artistic director and conductor - Natalia Shelkovskaya, choirmasters - Andrey Bekker and Mark Vasilkov)

- the Chamber Choir of MIREA — Russian Technological University (artistic director and conductor — Ivan Samoilov).

On December 6 at 19:00 in the Grand Concert Hall of RTU MIREA the opening of the XII Golden Crane International Choral Assembly took place. Grigory Valerievich Petushkov, Vice-Rector for Youth Policy, gave a welcoming speech. After the performance of the participating choirs, Deputy Head of the Department for Educational and Social Work Pavel Mikhailovich Shchurov presented the groups with diplomas and souvenirs.

On December 8 at 18:00 the closing of the XII Golden Crane International Choral Assembly took place in the concert hall of the Central Music School. Excellent acoustics allowed lovers of choral art to enjoy the sounds of Russian and foreign classics, sacred music, arrangements of folk songs, works of modern composers and songs of the war years.

All the participants and spectators noted the highest level of organization of the event and the professional sound of the selected choirs.

Thе organizers of the assembly thank the management of our University and personally Stanislav Alekseevich Kudzh, rector of RTU MIREA, for their support and the opportunity to once again have the feel of the life-giving source of academic music!

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