Yandex will help RTU MIREA students learn to create neural networks and analyze data


The “Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Healthcare” and “Data Mining” programs will use Yandex Cloud services.


The Yandex Cloud platform will provide machine learning services for training students of RTU MIREA in the programs Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Systems in Healthcare as part of a bachelor's degree program and Data Mining as part of a master's degree program. Thanks to collaboration, students will be able to study predictive models and neural networks, develop medical applications and analytical systems.


The cooperation is carried out in the context of the University’s participation in the Priority 2030 Strategic Academic Leadership Program. The technological partnership will deepen the training of highly qualified specialists in the development and testing of artificial intelligence services. Thanks to the use of the Yandex Cloud platform, it will be possible to develop services for medical problems quickly and safely.

Students will learn to use ML platform services for medical projects: YandexDataSphere and YandexGPT.


Students in joint programs will gain in-depth knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and learn how to create AI services to resolve applied issues, work with big data, test and evaluate the quality of machine learning technologies at all stages of the life cycle.


Thanks to the participation of industrial partners in the implementation of programs, students have the opportunity to learn from expert practitioners, undergo internships and participate in company projects. Students gain unique experience working with medical data, the skills to “build” their developments into medical information systems, understanding the specific requirements of practical healthcare.

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