Current information on COVID-19

There is a hotline in the region on the issue of coronavirus infection:

+7 (495) 870-45-09 (daily from 08:00 to 21:00)

Hotline for coronavirus in Moscow region: 8-800-550-50-30

All-Russian hot line: 8-800-2000-112

Additionally, there is a hotline of the Federal Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being): 8-800-100-00-04.

The official federal portal is стопкоронавирус.рф.

A special section dedicated to coronavirus has been created on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
A special section dedicated to coronavirus has been created on the website of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being

Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19

Source of infection: a sick person, including a person in the incubation period.

Incubation period: from 2 to 14 days.

Lethality rate: 3.6%.

On January 30, 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 was recognized by WHO as a public health emergency of international concern.

On March 11, WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus announced the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 292 thousand people have already been infected in the world, over 12.7 thousand have died.

As of March 23, 2020, more than 165 thousand coronavirus studies have been carried out in the Russian Federation. There have been 438 cases of coronavirus infection. 17 people were discharged after recovery.

What are the symptoms of the disease?
The main symptoms

● increased body temperature in > 90% of cases,
● a cough (dry or with little phlegm) in 80% of cases,
● shortness of breath in 55% of cases,
● a feeling of tightness in the chest in > 20% of cases.
Rare symptoms

● headaches (8%),
● hemoptysis (5%),
● diarrhea (3%),
● nausea, vomiting,
● heartbeat.

How is coronavirus transmitted?

Transmission factors: air (main), food and household items contaminated with the virus.

People become infected if they touch their mouth, nose or eyes with contaminated hands.

The severity of the disease depends on a number of factors, including the general condition of the body and age.

Predisposed to the disease: the elderly, small children, pregnant women and people suffering from chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases), and with weakened immunity.

What should be done during the period of active circulation of pathogens of influenza, coronavirus infection in order to prevent one’s own infection and protect others if you get sick?

Disinfection of mobile devices

A mobile phone, which we practically never let out of our hands (and in various places), can be one of the main sources of bacteria and viruses that cause a wide variety of infections.

Why is this happening? There are several main reasons for it:

● a mobile phone is often passed from hand to hand, and the owner of the phone does not always touch it with freshly washed hands;

● the mobile phone is brought very close to the face during a conversation;

● many owners of gadgets simply never clean them for fear of damage;

● many people take their mobile phones with them to the toilet – the place is very “rich” in various pathogens.

A mobile phone can play a particularly important role as a carrier of influenza pathogens, other viral respiratory infections and, in particular, the coronavirus infection COVID-19.

How to avoid getting infected?

Firstly, strictly observe hand hygiene – after visiting public places and the toilet, always wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds, then wipe them dry with a disposable paper towel. It is highly advisable to have antiseptic wipes or liquid products (gels, sprays, etc.) with you. This way you can always keep your hands clean, even if you can’t wash them.

Secondly, regularly apply antiseptic agents to the phone, especially where the body of the gadget is in contact with the face. If there is a cover, then it must be removed and sanitized separately (or it is better to do without it altogether).

To combat influenza and SARS viruses (and coronaviruses), it is best to use alcohol-based wipes and gels. The popular antiseptic chlorhexidine is rather intended to give protection against bacteria, but as a last resort, you can use it too.

The phone should be sanitized after each visit to public places, public transport, etc. And be sure – in the evening, after the end of the working day.

Wearing reusable and disposable masks

Advertisements for the sale of reusable masks made of woven materials often appear in the Internet. At the same time, these masks are not a medical device and are not accompanied by instructions for use.

It is important to remember that reusable masks can only be reused after being sanitized. At home, the mask should be washed with soap or detergent, then treated with a steam generator or iron with a steam function. After processing, the mask should not remain moist, so in the end it must be ironed with a hot iron, this time without the steam function.

Medical masks are of the "barrier" type. The function of the mask is to trap the drops of moisture that are formed when coughing, sneezing, and in which there may be viruses – pathogens of ARVI and other respiratory diseases transmitted by airborne droplets.

NOTA BENE! Masks are effective only in combination with other prevention methods (avoidance of contact, frequent hand washing, disinfection of objects), and the need for their use is different for different groups of people and in different situations.

In addition, the mask should be worn by people who provide medical care and treatment to sick people.

Healthy people can use the mask when visiting public places, public transport, but the effectiveness of the mask in such situations has not been proven.

NOTA BENE! After two to three hours of constant use, the mask must be changed. Disposable medical masks made of nonwoven material cannot be reused or sanitized in any way. At home, a used disposable medical mask must be placed in a separate bag, hermetically sealed and only then thrown into the trash bin.