RTU MIREA hosted events dedicated to the Day of Russian Science


On February 8, the country celebrated a significant date – 300 years since the founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Science Day. On February 13, events dedicated to this holiday were held at RTU MIREA. The University arranged guided tours of its megalaboratories for students, and at the end of them, a meeting between students and the scientists of RTU MIREA took place.

The first vice-rector of RTU MIREA N. Prokopov addressed the young scientists with a welcoming speech and stressed the importance of attracting talented youth to research and development.

The event was moderated by the Senior lecturer of the Radio Wave Processes and Technologies Department of the Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics and head of the Student Scientific Society “Spectre” Alexey Dmitrievich Yarlykov and the 2nd year student of the of the Institute of Cyber Security and Digital Technologies, representative of the SSS Sona Grigorievna Paltadzhyan.

Among the invited guests were:

Mikhail Sergeevich Kostin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Radio Wave Processes and Technologies Department of the Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics,

Anna Aleksandrovna Sandulyak, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, Head of the Laboratory of Magnetic Control and Material Separation of the Institute of Cybersecurity and Digital Technologies,

Igor Vladimirovich Ivanov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Compounds, Medical and Organic Chemistry Department of the M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies,

Ilya Evgenievich Tarasov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Specialized Computing Systems Laboratory of the Institute of Information Technologies.



During the meeting, the guests told the students about their way in science, the directions of their research activities, and shared tips with their young colleagues on how to achieve their goals.

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