The project of the Institute of Information Technologies team of students entered the top 10 of the 1000 best university startups in Russia


On November 22 and 23, the All-Russian Forum of Technological Entrepreneurship took place in Moscow. It is a large-scale event of the Federal project “University Technological Entrepreneurship Platform” implemented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and aimed at unlocking the entrepreneurial potential of youth and training professionals in the field of technological entrepreneurship.

As part of the University Technological Entrepreneurship Platform project, a rating of the top 1000 university startups was formed in the following areas: digital technologies, biotechnology, robotics, flexible electronics, medicine and health, resource-saving energy, hydrogen, new devices and production technologies, new materials and chemical technologies, creative industries, electric transport, mathematical modeling of materials.

The My-Purchases project to automate business processes of participants in the public procurement market, is carried out by a team of students from the Institute of Information Technologies. The Project

-         proved to become the best in Moscow and the Moscow region;

-         took third place in the ranking of projects in the Digital Technologies direction

-         ranked eighth overall out of 1,000 university startups

-         recognized as the best project based on the results of the event “Presentation of the 50 Best Startups” within the framework of the Federal project “University Technological Entrepreneurship Platform”

Previously, the team of the My-Purchases project had already proven its worth in the 2023 finals of such prestigious accelerators as “Innoweek 2023”, “HSE FEST”, “Big Intelligence”, and “Rosmolodezh.Business”, whose experts highly appreciated technological and innovative solutions used in the project.

The participants in the project team are: Ekaterina Alekseevna Kamysheva, Timofey Dmitrievich Bokach, Alexey Aleksandrovich Shikhov, Kristina Sergeevna Sorokina. The founder of the project is Igor Vladimirovich Tomashevsky.

Students demonstrated a high level of technical skills and knowledge. This achievement is the result of hard work, tireless activity and innovative thinking of the entire project team.

Congratulations on the achieved result and best wishes of success in its commercialization!

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