Scholarships for students at the University are provided in accordance with the Regulations on scholarships and other forms of financial support for students (SMKO MIREA 5.2 / 03.P.02-18 – Quality Management System in universities and colleges).
The University has several types of scholarships:
State Academic Scholarships
To whom are they paid?
State academic scholarships can be awarded to full-time budget-funded students who study with "excellent", or "good" and "excellent", or "good" grades, provided they pass all exams, tests and internship courses within the established deadlines for the credit test and examination session in conformity with the curriculum.
The first-year students, in the fall semester, may be awarded a state academic scholarship upon the results of entrance examinations for the period from September 1 to the last day of the month when the first examination session is completed.
What formalities are required?
The order on granting the state academic scholarship is prepared by the educational departments of the Institutes of the University after the test and examination sheets are processed.
Students applying for this scholarship do not need to go through any other formalities!
Amount of payments
The amount of the state academic scholarship is established by the Academic Council of the University. For the 2020/2021 academic year, the following amounts of the state academic scholarship have been approved:
- for students studying with “excellent” grades – 3,625 rubles;
- for students studying with “good” and “excellent” grades – 2,645 rubles;
- for students studying with “good” grades – 2,645 rubles;
- 1st year students in 1st semester – 1,680 rubles;
- college students who study with all “excellent” grades - 715 rubles;
- college students studying with “good” and “excellent” grades - 615 rubles;
- college students of the 1st year in the 1st semester - 610 rubles.
How regularly is the scholarship paid?
The state academic scholarship is granted for one (1) semester (from the first day of the month following the examination session to the last day of the month of the next examination session).
The payment of the scholarship is terminated in the event the student is expelled from the University.
The State Academic Scholarship is a monthly payment.
It is paid once a month via the transfer to the student's card on the days when the scholarship is paid out.
State postgraduate scholarships
State scholarships awarded to postgraduate students who study at the University on a full-time basis with the money allocated from the federal budget. Scholarships are awarded by the order of the Rector when a person is enrolled in graduate school, and upon the results of annual attestation.
Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation
Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation are granted in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 85 of August 27, 2016 to students and graduate students enrolled in educational programs of higher education who have state accreditation, full-time study in specialties or areas of training corresponding to the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy.
Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation to students and postgraduate students mastering educational programs of higher education in organizations carrying out educational activities subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and private organizations carrying out educational activities under educational programs of higher education having state accreditation, are awarded in accordance with Regulations On Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 613-rp of September 6, 1993.
Scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation
Scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation awarded in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1192 dated November 03, 2015 to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in full-time higher education programs in specialties or areas of training corresponding to the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy.
Scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation to students and postgraduate students mastering educational programs of higher education in organizations carrying out educational activities and subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and private organizations carrying out educational activities on state-accredited educational programs of higher education are awarded in accordance with the Regulation on special state scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation for graduate students and students of state educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 309, dated April 6, 1995.
Increased State Academic Scholarship
To whom is it paid?
An increased state academic scholarship can be awarded to students studying full-time with the federal budget funds, and receiving a state academic scholarship upon the results of the session and having personal achievements in one or several types of activities:
- educational,
- research,
- public,
- cultural and creative
- sports.
An increased state academic scholarship is awarded for student achievements in educational activities, if these achievements meet one or more of the criteria listed below:
a) if a student receives only “excellent” grades during at least 2 consecutive intermediate attestations preceding the award of an increased state academic scholarship;
b) if a student, during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship, receives an award (prize) for the results of project activities and (or) development work;
c) if a student is recognized as a winner or prize-winner of an international, all-Russian, departmental or regional Olympiad, competition, contest, or other event aimed at identifying educational achievements of students during the year preceding the award of an increased state academic scholarship.
If a student, during the year preceding the award of an increased state academic scholarship, has to resit an exam (credit test) for an unjustified reason, an increased state academic scholarship for student achievement in educational activities in accordance with the criterion specified in subparagraph “a”, shall not be awarded.
An increased state academic scholarship shall be awarded for the student's achievements in research activities, if these achievements meet one or more of the criteria listed below:
а) a student, during the year preceding the award of an increased state academic scholarship, receives:
awards (prizes) for the results of research work carried out by the student; a document certifying the student's exclusive right to the scientific (scientific and methodological, scientific and technical, scientific and creative) result of intellectual activity achieved by him/her (patent, certificate); research grant;
b) if a student has a publication in a scientific (educational and scientific, educational and methodological) international, all-Russian, departmental or regional publication, in the publication of the University or other organizations during the year preceding the award of an increased state academic scholarship.
An increased state academic scholarship is awarded for the student's achievements in social activities, if these achievements meet one or more of the criteria listed below:
а) the systematic participation of the student during the year preceding the award of an increased state academic scholarship in implementing (ensuring the implementation) of socially significant activities of a social, cultural, human rights, socially useful nature organized by the University or with its participation, and which is confirmed by a document;
b) the systematic participation of the student during the year preceding the award of an increased state academic scholarship in information support of socially significant events, public life of the University, which is confirmed by a document.
An increased state academic scholarship is awarded for the student's achievements in cultural and creative activities, if these achievements meet one or more of the criteria listed below:
а) if a student receives during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship, an award (prize) for the results of cultural and creative activities carried out by him/her within the framework of activities carried out by the University or another organization, and also within the framework of a competition, contest, review and other similar international, all-Russian, departmental, regional events, which is confirmed by a document;
b) public presentation by a student during the year preceding the award of an increased state academic scholarship of a work of literature or art created by him (literary work, drama, musical-drama work, screenplay, choreographic work, pantomime, musical work with or without text, audiovisual works, works of painting, sculpture, graphics, design, graphic story, comics, other works of fine art, works of decorative and applied art, scenographic art, works of architecture, urban planning, landscape gardening, including works in the form of a project, drawing, image, layout, photographic work, work obtained by a method similar to photography, geographical, geological, other map, plan, sketch, plastic work related to geography, topography and other sciences, as well as other work), which is confirmed by a document;
c) systematic participation of the student during the year preceding the award of an increased state academic scholarship in implementation (provision of) of public cultural and creative activities of an educational, propaganda nature and other socially significant public cultural and creative activities, which is confirmed by a document.
An increased state academic scholarship is awarded for the student's achievements in sports activities, if these achievements meet one or more of the following criteria:
а) if a student receives during the year preceding the award of an increased state academic scholarship, an award (prize) for the results of sports activities carried out by him within the framework of sports international, all-Russian, departmental, regional events held by the University or other organizations;
b) systematic participation of a student during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship in sports events of an educational, promotional (or) other socially significant sports events, which is confirmed by a document;
c) compliance with the standards and requirements set for the gold medal of distinction “All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (RLD) of the corresponding age group, as of the date when an increased state academic scholarship was awarded.
An increased state academic scholarship is not awarded for achievements in sports activities to students receiving the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation, paid in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 368 dated March 31, 2011 “On scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation to athletes, coaches and other specialists of sports teams of the Russian Federation in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, champions of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics” (Collected Laws of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 14, Art. 1883; 2013, No. 12, Art. 1244).
What formalities are required?
To participate in the contest for an increased state academic scholarship, a student shall:
1. fill in the Questionnaire and Appendices to it in accordance with the achievements thereof in a particular type of activity;
2. attach copies of the documents confirming the student's achievements in a particular type of activity;
3. sign the Questionnaire and Appendices to it with the director of the Institute where the student is studying, and with the persons in charge for each type of activity.
Hand over the completed package of documents to the StudOffice in room A-158 strictly on time
Amount of payments
The size of an increased state academic scholarship is approved by the Academic Council of the University for 1 (one) semester.
How regularly is it paid?
An increased state academic scholarship is awarded by order of the Rector of the University for 1 (one) semester. It is paid monthly.
Paid once a month via transfer to the student's card on the days when the scholarship is received.
Increased scholarship for the low-income 1st and 2nd year students
Increased scholarships for the low-income 1st and 2nd year students awarded in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1663 dated December 27, 2016.
To whom is it paid?
First and second year students enrolled to the University for educational programs of higher education (bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs) with academic performance ratings of “excellent”, “good” or “excellent” and “good” and belonging to the categories of persons eligible for state social scholarships, or students under 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, shall be awarded a state academic and (or) state social scholarship in an increased amount.
Amount of payments
The amount of the increased state social scholarship is approved by the Academic Council of the University for 1 (one) year.
How often is it paid?
An increased state social scholarship is awarded for the period when the state social scholarship is received - within one semester. An increased state social scholarship is a monthly payment. It is paid once a month via transfer to the student's card on the days when the scholarship is received. The payment of the scholarship shall be terminated in the event the grounds for its award no longer exist or upon expulsion of the student from the University.
State social scholarships
To whom are they paid?
State social scholarships are awarded out of the federal budget to full-time students in need of social assistance.
Scholarships shall be mandatorily awarded to students of the categories listed below:
• orphans and children left without parental care,
• persons from among orphans and children left without parental care,
• persons who have lost both parents or a single parent during the period of education,
• disabled children, disabled people of I and II groups, disabled since childhood,
• those who were exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters, as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site,
• those who are disabled as a result of a military injury or illness received during the period of military service, and combat veterans,
• citizens who have served for at least three years under military service contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and federal state bodies, in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, in engineering and technical, road construction military formations of federal executive bodies and in rescue military formations of the federal executive body authorized to solve tasks of civil defense, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, federal security service bodies, state security bodies and the federal body for ensuring mobilization training of state power bodies of the Russian Federation, in military positions subject to filling in by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, and dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs “b” – “d” of paragraph 1, subparagraph “a” of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs “a” – “b” paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On military duty and military service”,
• who received state social assistance.
What formalities are required?
To be awarded a social scholarship, a student shall:
1. write an application at the StudOffice in room A-158 on the need to be awarded a social scholarship;
2. submit documents confirming the student's eligibility to receive such scholarship.
Amount of payments
The amount of the state social scholarship is established by the Academic Council of the University. For the 2020/2021 academic year, the following sizes of state social scholarships are approved:
- students – 2,900;
- for college students – 1,060 rubles.
How regularly is it paid?
The state social scholarship is awarded from the date of submission of the application to the Department of Scholarship and Social Programs of the Department of Social Security and Social Development. The payment of the scholarship is terminated in the event the grounds for its award stop to exist, or upon expulsion of the student from the University.
The social scholarship is a monthly payment and does not depend on academic performance.
Paid once a month via transfer to the student's card on the days when the scholarship is received.
State scholarships for students from among citizens who passed military service
State scholarships for students from among citizens who have completed military service under contract for at least 3 years in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in military positions to be filled in by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, petty officers, and dismissed from the military services on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs “b” – “d” of paragraph 1, subparagraph “a” of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” are awarded to students studying at the University on a full-time basis with the money of federal budget funds.
Moscow Government scholarships
Personal scholarships are awarded in accordance with Decree of July 8, 2003 No. 534-PP “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and payment of personal scholarships of the Moscow government to students of public and private educational institutions of higher education engaged in educational activities in the territory of the city of Moscow.”
Personal scholarships
Personal scholarships founded by the state authorities, local governments, legal entities and individuals are awarded to students, postgraduates and doctoral students.
The decision on the award of personal scholarships is made by the Academic Council of the University with the account of the opinion of the trade union student organization and the MIREA Student Union, and approved by the order of the Rector. Students and graduate students receiving personal scholarships are eligible for state academic and social scholarships on a regular basis. The maximum amount of the award is determined by the decision of the Academic Council of the University.
Scholarships named after prominent scholars at MIREA:
The scholarship named after A.S. Sigov, President of MIREA, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
The Scholarship named after N.N. Evtikhiev, the first rector of MIREA, academician.
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