27.03.01 Standardization and metrology

This area of instruction is designed to train specialists in the field of digital measurement techniques, standardization, quality control and product testing in science-based industries.
Level of education:
Bachelor’s degree
Form of training:
Full-time (daytime)
Venue of training:
Entrance exams:
— Mathematics (major)
— Russian language
— Physics/ Information science and ICT
Programs, specializations:
Digital measurement techniques and product standardization
Students receive theoretical instruction and practical training in assuring measurement uniformity, metrological support for manufacturing process, product parameter monitoring, and product testing management and techniques.

Students learn the legal, regulatory, methodological, technological and organizational foundations of technical regulation to improve product quality and safety. Students undergo all types of practical training at leading specialized enterprises and organizations in the field of instruction. After completing the Bachelor’s program, they take jobs at government and regulatory bodies, in various industries, at metrology, standardization, and testing centers and research institutions. Alternatively, they have the opportunity to enter the Master’s program in standardization and metrology.
Alumni can be employed as
  • metrology engineer
  • test engineer
  • standardization specialist
  • certification specialist
  • researcher at metrology institution
Program subjects
  • Metrology
  • Measurement and instrumentation methods and tools
  • Standardization
  • Conformity verification
  • Testing management
  • Physical principles of measurement
  • Legal metrology
  • Industrial gauging
  • Non-destructive testing and diagnosis
  • Testing techniques and tools
Graduating Department:
Metrology and Standardization Department