27.04.01 Standardization and metrology

This area of instruction is designed to train specialists in quality management of modern materials, such as polymeric and composite, precious metals, and pharmaceutical substances. Students learn the legislative, regulatory and chemical aspects of materials quality control to become “engineer lawyers” of interest to many businesses.
Level of education:
Master’s degree
Form of training:
Full-time (daytime)
Venue of training:
Entrance exams:
— Higher mathematics
Programs, specializations:
Metrological support for measurement techniques
The master’s program gives instruction to students wishing to work in the field of standardization and metrological support for a wide range of high-technology products. Students learn the scientific, technological, regulatory and management foundations of standardization and metrology, among them ways to establish the target set of product and component parameters, to define measurement error limits, to select measurement techniques and tools, to plan research and development programs in order to design new measuring instruments and testing methods, and to manage and perform metrological assessment.

Students receive theoretical instruction and practical training in the area of metrological support for science-based technologies. This includes examination of techniques to obtain reliable estimates of measured physical values, to select flawless measurement methods and tools, to examine and test products, and to monitor manufacturing processes and facilities. They are trained to provide regulatory, technical and organizational metrological support for product manufacture, quality control and operation. Students of the program have access to modern laboratories at leading organizations in the field of metrological support for innovative technologies, where they can undergo hands-on training and examine employment prospects.
Alumni can be employed as
  • Metrology engineer
  • Standardization specialist
  • Measurement and monitoring instrument testing engineer
Program subjects
  • Standardization and metrological support for nanotechnologies
  • Metrological support and certification in non-destructive testing
  • Inspection and testing of measuring instruments
  • Applied metrology
  • Measurement data processing
  • Information and measurement systems
  • Metrological assessment of regulatory and technical documentation
  • Design of measuring instruments and converters
  • Reliability of radio-electronic products
  • Systemic product quality assurance
  • International and national standardization and certification systems
  • Analysis and processing of experimental data
  • Standardization of measuring instrument software
  • Measurement and monitoring of non-electrical variables
  • Digital measurement standardization
  • Fundamentals of qualimetry
Graduating department:
Metrology and Standardization Department