Graduates of the Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics become highly qualified engineers and specialists in the design and construction of radio-electronic systems and complexes, and electronic equipment. Among the key professions that can be acquired in the course of training are design engineer, design engineer, radio engineer, radioelectronics engineer, micro- and nanoelectronic engineer, and others. The profession of a modern radio engineer requires profound knowledge in different areas. A specialist in this area is 30% physicist and mathematician; 10% - programmer; 30% designer and inventor; and 30% - practician, providing implementation of projects. Studying at the Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics, students can also master a profession relating to information and communication technologies and become a programmer-developer, software engineer, maintenance engineer for radio-electronic and computer technology, etc. Taking the program in Cartography and Geoinformatics, students, among other things, study modern IT and learn to apply them in their specialized field of activity. Graduates work in such professions as topographers, surveyors, geoinformation systems specialists, geoinformation systems developers, etc.
According to the statistics of the website, a radio engineer is the best paid profession in the Moscow region. An average salary is 70,000 rubles. The profession of radio engineering was included into the rating of "7 most profitable blue-collar jobs" by the portal. A monthly salary of specialists exceeds 50,000 rubles.
Research by the Electronics Central Research Institute showed that 54% of the leading enterprises of the Russian radio-electronic industry experience shortages of young specialists. The greatest deficit in young specialists is observed among developers (over 60%); specialists engaged in the direct production of radio-electronic products (slightly more than 30%). These are the areas where graduates of the Institute can easily find an interesting job. According to the portal The rating is based on the figures provided below: demand - 50%, pay ability - 46%, competitiveness - 48%, entrance barrier - 71%, prospects 96%.
Oleg Dmitrievich Bakalanov graduated from the radio engineering department of the All-Union Correspondence Power Engineering Institute in 1958. Prominent Soviet statesman, Minister of General Machine Building of the USSR, Lenin Prize Laureate. Oleg Baklanov headed the State Commission for the launch of the Energia vehicle, which paved the way to the completion of the preparatory work for the Energia-Buran system unmanned flight, which was successfully completed on November 15, 1988.
Valery Pavlinovich Shantsev graduated from the evening department of the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, specializing as radio engineer. Soviet and Russian statesman, former vice-mayor of Moscow, Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, over the years he retained high positions in the all-Russian heads of the regions rating. The production facilities of Lukoil and Rusvinil are currently actively developing in the region, new high-tech jobs are created. The stadium and the infrastructure were built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
Valentin Mikhailovich Gorodilin studied at the Department of Radio Engineering Systems of the All-Union Correspondence Power Engineering Institute from 1954 to 1957. After graduation, he worked as a lecturer and professor, and for over 25 years gave lectures on the design and production technology of radio equipment at a number of departments. He worked in various positions in the Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on military-industrial issues. Today he is actively engaged in social work with the veterans of the Navy.
Sergey Yuryevich Gubin graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation in 1986, where he later worked for a long time, first as a secretary of the Komsomol organization, and then as vice-rector for educational work and international relations. Later, he was head of the Preobrazhensky District of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, and after that - Deputy Prefect of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky Districts. At the moment, he is Advisor to the Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment.
Anatoly Ivanovich Kanashenkov for 32 years was head of the largest enterprises of the defense industry, including the research and production association OJSC Corporation Fazotron-NIIR for 21 years. Largely thanks to Anatoly Ivanovich, the enterprise developed a number of new areas of production: radars for helicopters, aerospace systems associated with monitoring of the Earth's surface, weather radars and many others achievements. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
Vadim Vasilyevich Korlyakov is head of the All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Engineering, which is one of the oldest defense enterprises in Russia. The research institute has created over 50 radar models, many of which were first manufactured as inventions, later introduced into mass production and put into service of our country, and purchased abroad. 17 developments of the team were awarded State prizes.
Alexander Nikolaevich Losev - Studied at the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation from 1966 to 1971. Soviet and Russian singer, lead singer of the "Flowers" group. Performer of popular songs My little star is bright, We wish you happiness, Jurmala, Flowers have eyes, More life, Lullaby, No need, You and me, etc.
Andrey Olegovich Minenkov is an outstanding Soviet figure skater who performed in ice dancing with partner Irina Moiseeva - two-time world champions and two-time European champions. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. After the end of his sports career in 1983, Andrei Minenkov decided to take up science. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, and, in 1989, defended his thesis on the analysis of skate gliding on ice.
Larisa Vladimirovna Babukh - Deputy of the State Duma of the 1st convocation. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation with a degree in radio engineering. In December 1993, she was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the 1st convocation from the political movement Women of Russia. The Duma included a committee on education, culture and science.
Malinin Alexey Vesmirovich - media manager, entrepreneur, advisor to the General Director of JSC Gazprom-Media Holding, 2010-2012. - Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, from 2008 to 2010 - General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS), since 2004 - Deputy General Director - Head of the Production and Technology Department of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK), Academician of the Russian Academy of Television.
Vadim Nikolaevich Moshkovich graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation in 1992, with a degree in Radio Engineering. He worked at the Moscow Commodity Exchange, founded the Augur Estate construction company, managed the White Eagle company, established the Sugar Trading company, headed the Sugarimpex Trading Company CJSC, and founded the Rusagro company. 2001 - Member of the Board of Directors of JSB Sobinbank. Until 2006 - General Director of LLC Rusagro "Group of Companies". Since May 2006 - Representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the legislative body of state power of the Belgorod Region. уIn October 2010, he was elected to the Belgorod Regional Duma. In December 2014, he wrote a letter of resignation as Senator of the Belgorod Duma. Member of the Federation Council Committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Federation Council Commission for Youth and Tourism. 45th place in the rating "200 richest businessmen in Russia 2019", member of the Board of Trustees of the National Research University of the Higher School of Economics and Belgorod State University. Founder of the school of the future for gifted children in the Letovo communal apartment, the first applicants to the school were enrolled in 2018.
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